Thursday, April 1, 2010

NASA probe finds heaven

FAST FACT: The Hubble Space Telescope photographed what appeared to be Heaven in deep space in 1992, but after a flurry of excitement and wild speculations, “Paradise” was proved to be a simple cloud of dust and gasses left over after a star exploded 600 billion years ago.

THE DISCOVERY of pearly gates, temples and streets of gold on the otherwise barren and lifeless surface of Mars has stunned scientists and clergymen alike, many of whom believe the items are dazzling new proof that Heaven not only exists, it’s just a hop, skip and a jump from earth – on the Red Planet.

Hundreds of top-secret, black-and-white photographs beamed back to earth by NASA’s hard-working Spirit rover beginning, sources say, on Nov. 14, 2004 show architecture reminiscent of the glimmering marble structures that were common in ancient Greece and also have appeared in descriptions of Heaven by people who have died and gone there while having near-death experiences.

And in many of those same photos, gigantic “pearlescent” gates can be seen in the distance connecting to what appear to be well-worn streets of hammered gold, several of which lead to a towering stone monolith that at least one NASA analyst has said “might be a throne.”
Equally intriguing are several images of golden feathers – some the size of yardsticks – that match up with biblical mentions of those that occasionally have dropped off of angel’s wings during their visits to earth throughout history.

“But here’s the capper,” says a NASA source who is heading up one of five independent teams charged with analyzing the photographs that have not been made public to avoid what one insider calls “confusion, angst and panic” among non-Christians.

“Spirit is equipped with sensitive on-board microphones that have been detecting noises that, though faint, are unmistakable – and nothing like the simple rush of wind and ‘tic … tic … tic’ of blowing sand that we heard almost continuously since the rover landed in 2003.

“What we’re hearing now sounds like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir accompanied by the strumming of harps. It’s faint. It comes and goes. There’s room for error. We could be wrong.
“But most of us who have heard the tapes agree that whatever’s going on up there sounds a lot like what goes on in churches here on earth.

“The only things we haven’t heard are mothers shushing their babies, fire-and-brimstone preaching and the jingle of coins dropping into a collection plate.”
NASA spokeswoman Marcia Pendergast, in the space agency’s Washington office, declines to discuss the photographs or even acknowledge they exist pending what she calls “the outcome of a continuing investigation” that she admitted “may drag on for months.”

She was equally tight-lipped about speculation the space agency has, in fact, stumbled on Heaven – or something just like it – in its exploration of the Red Planet.

“We have to proceed carefully to avoid offending non-Christians and atheists who don’t believe in God and Heaven and, as we know from numerous political and sociological polls, that’s 48 percent of the country,” says a NASA administrator who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect her job.

“But the mood inside NASA is absolutely electric. There’s hardly a person here who’s seen the photographs and read the reports who doesn’t believe we’ve found Heaven.

“And I’m not just talking about scientists and bureaucrats, we’ve brought in a number of clergymen and theologians as consultants and they agree with us.

“We could explore space for a thousand years, send rockets and astronauts to the farthest reaches of the universe, and even fly forwards and backwards in time, and we’d never top this.
“Finding evidence of an afterlife … well, what else can I say? Surely this will change human behavior for the better, because now that we know there is a Heaven, surely the reverse is true – there must be a Hell.”

Rev. Dr. Paul Stack couldn’t agree more. The famed short-wave radio evangelist whose daily sermons reach an audience of millions in 73 countries believes God is using NASA and the Spirit rover as tools to warn mankind of impending doom.

“Judgment Day isn’t just near, it’s here,” he said in a telephone interview from his home in Hahnville, Louisana,. “I strongly advise every man, woman and child with ears to hear and eyes to see to get right with the Lord straight away.

“He’s shown us Heaven. What more proof do you need? Either you get down on your knees and pray for salvation right now or you accept the alternative, which is nothing less than a trap door falling out from under you at any moment – and dropping you straight into Hell.”
When – and if – NASA will go public with the pictures remains to be seen.

“The big boys want to make sure they’re right so they don’t wind up humiliating themselves,” explains a source who says NASA has always been reluctant to rush to judgment about any discovery in space.

“Can you imagine them trumpeting to the world, ‘We found Heaven! We found Heaven!’ only find find out a few months from now that all they really found were some odd rock formations and sandscapes that just happen to look like pearly gates, temples and angel feathers?

“Heads would roll and it wouldn’t be pretty – I’ll guarantee you that.”

Copyright (c) 2008 Derek Clontz/4-Page Media, Inc. All rights reserved.

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